1 Insulator Pole |
2 Insulators Pole |
7 Ridge Insulators |
Areca Palms |
Cassava |
Chilean Style Pole |
Corn |
Corrugated Metal Roofs |
Dense Eucalyptus Plantations |
Dry Season Rice |
Durian Plantations |
Exposed Rock |
Flat & Dry Landscape |
Fruit Plantations |
Garden Croton Plant |
Gravel Road |
Low & Forested Mountains |
Palm Oil Plantations |
Palmyra Palms |
Pineapple Plantations |
Red Soil |
Rice |
Rubber Wood |
Short Coconut Palms |
Sugar Cane |
Tall Coconut Palms |
Tall Mountains |
Teak Trees |
Tenasserim Pines |
Wet Season Rice |
Wind Turbines |
Meta List - A Learnable Thailand - Regionguessing
1 Insulator Pole
- Poles with only one insulator on the crossbar can be found from south on the peninsula from Ranong and Chumphon.
Description and images taken from: https://www.plonkit.net/thailand.