A Learnable Meta World - Basics
by trausi
A map with most common and basics metas that every geoguessr player should know.
A Learnable Meta World - Beginner
by trausi
A map that covers all the metas from the basics map, along with an additional set of slightly trickier metas that are still beginner-friendly.
A Learnable Meta World
by trausi
A map that combines metas from basic, beginner, and intermediate levels, perfect if you want to practice all of them in one place.
A Learnable Meta World - Intermediate
by trausi
World map with only intermediates level metas for more experienced players that know most of the beginner metas :)
A Learnable Meta Europe
by trausi
Includes only metas from Europe region from my learnable world map series.
A Learnable Meta World - Bollards
by trausi
Map with most common/worth learning bollards.
A Learnable Meta Latin America - Beginner
by trausi
Beginner friendly metas from Latin America countries.
A Learnable Meta World - Google Cars - Beginner
by trausi
A map focused on Google car metas from our world map, if you'd like to practice identifying the look of beautiful Street View cars π
A Learnable Meta South East Asia - Beginner
by trausi
Beginner friendly metas from countries in South East Asia
A Learnable Meta World - Poles - Beginner
by trausi
A world map focused on pole metas.
A Learnable Meta Latin America - Intermediate
by trausi
Intermediate metas from Latin American countries.
A Learnable Meta Africa - Beginner
by trausi
Beginner friendly metas from countries in Africa.
A Learnable Meta World - Google Cars - Basics
by trausi
A map focused on only basic Google car metas from our world map,
A Learnable Russia
by Illusion
Knowing some of Russia antennas/season coverage metas is required so if you are new to geoguessr I would skip this map for now :P
67 distinct roads/landscapes/areas to learn from a beginner to intermediate level IN Russia.
A Learnable Russia+
by bones
Intended for a more advanced player base.
30 distinct regions/roads/landscapes compiled to fill the gaps of the original ALR in addition to providing more niche region guessing tips in Russia.
A Learnable Meta India
by trausi
You can find most common India metas and learn to recognize India major languages.
A Learnable Chile
by Palmerranian
A map for practicing how to recognize the most distinct areas of Chile, the world's longest country, from unique desert roads to lush Patagonian valleys.
A Learnable Meta Australia
by trausi
Map with metas that will help you plonk in the right Australia state :-)
A Learnable Meta Japan
by trausi
Learn how to regionguess Japan using electricity poles!
ALM - Pedestrian Crosswalk Signs (Europe)
by Swaggely
Have you ever wanted to suffer through hours of learning all the pedestrian crosswalk signs? Now you can, with advice that I've been making up as I created the map. Generally only includes the most commonly used crosswalk signs from the top 10 most populous cities per country. Goes without saying that there are outlier crosswalk signs in pretty much every country that I'm not including for simplicity. Optimal for NMPZ.
A Learnable Brazil
by Vincent Skerved
A map for practicing Brazil.
The map is meant to be played in No Move, the metas/learnable info is not always visible initially.
Images and descriptions courtesy of Plonkit.net.
Turkey - BabeLincoln's Learnable
For learning basic region guessing in Turkey with tips mostly from Plonkit.
A Learnable Russia - No Car Metas - All
by Vincent Skerved
A map for practicing Russia.
The map is meant to be played in No Move, the metas/learnable info is not always visible initially.
Most locations in this map do not require knowledge about car metas such as antennas.
Images and descriptions courtesy of Plonkit.net.
A Learnable Mexico
by Vincent Skerved
A map for practicing Mexico.
The map is meant to be played in No Move, the metas/learnable info is not always visible initially.
Images and descriptions courtesy of Plonkit.net.
A Learnable USA - Intermediate
by Vincent Skerved
A map for practicing USA.
The map is meant to be played in No Move, the metas/learnable info is not always visible initially.
Images and descriptions courtesy of Plonkit.net.
ALM - Australian Landscape
by Ye
Map designed to learn metas in NO MOVE mode.
Level: Beginner
For optimal learning, install the script to get hints after each round.
More maps & script download: https://learnablemeta.com/
If you have any questions or feedback join the discord - https://discord.gg/AcXEWznYZe
Images and Descriptions from Plonkit.net and Plonkit discord.
A Learnable Meta - Philippines Provinces
by ΟΥ¬Ξ΄Φ
Map designed to learn provinces (& cities) in NO MOVE mode from signs.
Each location has both province (exc. in largest cities) + city\municipality visible somewhere. Each province has a location in at least the largest 3 cities (where available). All 100k+ cities covered (within official coverage)!
Seterra provinces quiz: https://www.geoguessr.com/vgp/3302
A Learnable Europe - Roadlines
by Lireax, Swaggi
Learn different roadlines in Europe! ππ
ALM - Unique & Shared European & Slavic Letters
by ΟΥ¬Ξ΄Φ
Learn unique Latin, Cyrillic and Greek letters by the countries in which they are possible in StreetView.
Designed to be played in NO MOVE or NMPZ mode, and will be zoomed in to the relevant text initially.
Minimum of 4 examples per letter, except for very rare letters.
ALM - South Africa
by Dasan
Learn how to region guess South Africa through Pole Tops, Vegetation, License Plates, Area Codes, and More! Beginner-friendly map for those unfamiliar with the country.
A Major Bajor World (incomplete)
by Major Bajor
576 metas from all different kinds of sources, including self-researched!
Currently included countries: AK, AS, AR, AU, CL, CO, BR, NO
ALM - Indonesia (All) Kabupaten
by ΟΥ¬Ξ΄Φ
Map designed to learn provinces in NO MOVE mode from signs.
Each location has the Kabupaten (aka Bupati or Kab.) somewhere in view with Kab\Kabupaten\Bupati\Kota preceding in most cases.
Includes all Kabs with official coverage.
Quiz: https://tinyurl.com/emily-kab-quiz
A Learnable South Korea
by Dasan
Learn South Korean metas! Intended for NM.
More metas to be added soon including vegetation and car related metas. For now it is a great map to learn and practice SK area codes with a mix of easier and harder rounds.
A Learnable Malaysia
by Chrort
A map that includes the most basic and usefull metas to regionguess Malaysia. Meant to be played in No Move mode.
A Learnable Oman
by Davido
This Oman practice map is made to be played with the learnablemeta script installed: https://learnablemeta.com/
All locations, descriptions and photos are taken from the Oman plonk it guide: https://www.plonkit.net/oman
If you have any questions or feedback join the learnablemeta discord - https://discord.gg/AcXEWznYZe
A Learnable Botswana - Regionguessing
by Lireax
Learn how to region guess Botswana! ππ
- Map is based on general regionguessing section from Plonkit
- Does NOT include spotlights
A Learnable USA - Novice
by Vincent Skerved
A map for practicing USA.
The map is meant to be played in No Move, the metas/learnable info is not always visible initially.
Images and descriptions courtesy of Plonkit.net.
A Learnable World - Roadlines
by Lireax
Learn different roadlines from all over the World! ππ
ALM - Indonesia (Java) Kabupaten
by ΟΥ¬Ξ΄Φ
Map designed to learn provinces in NO MOVE mode from signs.
Each location has the Kabupaten (aka Bupati or Kab.) somewhere in view with Kab\Kabupaten\Bupati\Kota preceding in most cases.
Includes all Kabs with official coverage.
Quiz: https://tinyurl.com/emily-kab-quiz
A Learnable Plant World - Cacti
by Zen
Want to learn different types of cacti and know where they are commonly found? This map is for you. *Work in progress* any feedback is welcome. Send me your suggestions in #maps channel or DM me @FeelZen on discord.
A Learnable USA - All
by Vincent Skerved
A map for practicing USA.
The map is meant to be played in No Move, the metas/learnable info is not always visible initially.
Images and descriptions courtesy of Plonkit.net.
A Learnable Meta - Nordic Buses
by bagaboiebailey
Should be compatible with the learnable meta userscript https://learnablemeta.com/ and includes metas in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland.
A Learnable Anglo-America
by Vincent Skerved
A map for practicing Anglo-America (USA and Canada).
The map is meant to be played in No Move, the metas/learnable info is not always visible initially.
Images and descriptions courtesy of Plonkit.net.
A Learnable Tunisia - Regionguessing
by Lireax
Learn how to region guess Tunisia! ππ
- Map is based on general regionguessing section from Plonkit
- Does NOT include spotlights
A Learnable Ghana - Regionguessing
by Lireax
Learn how to region guess Ghana! ππ
- Map is based on general regionguessing section from Plonkit
- Does NOT include spotlights
A Learnable South America - Identify Every Country
by Lireax
Learn how to guess every country in South America! ππ
Learnable bus stop signs
by SMN
Learnable and useful bus stop signs around the world.
Used documents
https://www.plonkit.net/guide (various)
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1q_09EuhJApLDNAuTcdFR0hieTNOhsLLFAnSrxYI7UYk/edit#slide=id.g1d6ef97d5d0_0_138 by @grimauc
https://docs.google.com/document/d/12filx2tdfnKFYqJqRSXNdt5I0QSN6goy4zYY3OcQEfw/edit?tab=t.0 by @willemblaeu#8896
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MKWdrlGYLrEGI41sFjp70dCwwm75YWLYGgbzPeqXq9U/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.23mct8fdl8vu by @Gabriel_#5327
A Learnable Google Car - Camera Generations
by Lireax
Practice every official camera! ππ
Generation Coverage Spreadsheet:
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O-88DIQ8SxJ6gYx1GLFKP0yAJeeH7mjS6La5oKFeY_E
A Learnable South Africa - Regionguessing
by Lireax
Learn how to region guess South Africa! ππ
- Map is based on general regionguessing section from Plonkit
- Does NOT include spotlights
A Learnable Reunion
by Dasan
Learn the most prominent RΓ©union metas, including identifiable roads, region-specific clues and more to gain extra points on every RΓ©union round you get! All locations work in NM and NMPZ.
A Learnable Eswatini - Regionguessing
by Lireax
Learn how to region guess Eswatini! ππ
- Map is based on general regionguessing section from Plonkit
- Does NOT include spotlights
A Major Bajor Norway
by Major Bajor
Playable in all modes. Slight focus on vegetation.
A Learnable Africa - Identify Every Country
by Lireax
Learn how to guess every country in Africa! ππ
Intro to Kazakhstan (A Learnable Meta)
by wayfinder
Learn how to recognize regional vibes and some cities, as well as the basics of car and coverage metas.
Map designed to learn metas in NO MOVE mode.
Level: Beginner
For optimal learning, install the script to get hints after each round.
More maps & script download: https://learnablemeta.com/
If you have any questions or feedback join the discord - https://discord.gg/AcXEWznYZe
Images and Descriptions from Plonkit.net
A Learnable Russia - No Car Metas - 1
by Vincent Skerved
A map for practicing Russia.
The map is meant to be played in No Move, the metas/learnable info is not always visible initially.
Most locations in this map do not require knowledge about car metas such as antennas. This map contains metas for larger, more general regions and some of the more popular and well known metas.
Images and descriptions courtesy of Plonkit.net.
ALM - Indonesia (Kalimantan) Kabupaten
by ΟΥ¬Ξ΄Φ
Map designed to learn provinces in NO MOVE mode from signs.
Each location has the Kabupaten (aka Bupati or Kab.) somewhere in view with Kab\Kabupaten\Bupati\Kota preceding in most cases.
Includes all Kabs with official coverage.
Quiz: https://tinyurl.com/emily-kab-quiz
A Learnable Meta World - Stop Signs
by Chrort
Being a very good clue, this map will teach you the most commonly used and unique stop signs around the world
Learnable Colombia
by Timo
Things like stickers, vegetation, unique gen3 metas, local busses, pole paint, lamp styles, pavement style, unique roads, soil, architecture and more! Map made to make Colombia easier for those who know the basics, not included in the map is yellow license plates and Colombian cross those are learned in Learnable meta default maps.
A Learnable Colombia:
Colombia Guide for Geoguessr:
A Learnable New Zealand
by logoff
A collection of metas and tips for region guessing within New Zealand.
All locations should have the meta in front of the screen.
Can be done in "No Move"!
A Learnable Russia - No Car Metas - 2
by Vincent Skerved
A map for practicing Russia.
The map is meant to be played in No Move, the metas/learnable info is not always visible initially.
Most locations in this map do not require knowledge about car metas such as antennas. This map contains metas in smaller, more specific regions than map 1. It also has more landscape and require learning more vibes.
Images and descriptions courtesy of Plonkit.net.
ALM - Unique European & Slavic Letters
by ΟΥ¬Ξ΄Φ
Learn unique Latin, Cyrillic and Greek letters by the country in which they are possible in StreetView.
Designed to be played in NO MOVE or NMPZ mode, and will be zoomed in to the relevant text initially.
Minimum of 4 examples per letter, except for very rare letters.
A Learnable Nigeria - Regionguessing
by Lireax
Learn how to region guess Nigeria! ππ
- Map is based on general regionguessing section from Plonkit
- Does NOT include spotlights
ALM - Indonesia (Sumatra) Kabupaten
by ΟΥ¬Ξ΄Φ
Map designed to learn provinces in NO MOVE mode from signs.
Each location has the Kabupaten (aka Bupati or Kab.) somewhere in view with Kab\Kabupaten\Bupati\Kota preceding in most cases.
Includes all Kabs with official coverage.
Quiz: https://tinyurl.com/emily-kab-quiz
A Learnable Botswana
by Dasan
Learn identifiable roads and metas of Botswana! (intended for NM)
Further Map Info - https://bit.ly/4gNuDn5
Hours of research, map-making, and testing have been put into this map of identifiable roads/metas of Botswana.
A Learnable Philippines
by Oliver
Most plonkit metas, and a bunch extra courtesy of wayfinder
A Learnable Lesotho - Regionguessing
by Lireax
Learn how to region guess Lesotho! ππ
- Map is based on general regionguessing & spotlight section from Plonkit
A Learnable Plant World - Conifers
by Zen
Want to learn different types of conifers and know where they are commonly found? This map is for you. *Work in progress* any feedback is welcome. Send me your suggestions in #maps channel or DM me @FeelZen on discord.
A Learnable South America - Roadlines
by Lireax
Learn different roadlines in South America! ππ
Greenland (Major) - BabeLincoln's Learnable
by BabeLincoln
Map covering the land and boat coverage described as "major" on Plonkit. Map with minor and combined coming soon! 13 Metas.
A Learnable North America - Roadlines
by Lireax
Learn different roadlines in North America! ππ
ALM - Kenya Counties
by ΟΥ¬Ξ΄Φ
Map designed to learn counties in NO MOVE mode from signs.
For optimal learning, install the LM script to get hints after each round.
Each location has county visible somewhere. All counties with coverage are included, with a location in each county capital, and at least 2 others. All 100k+ cities are covered.
Seterra Quiz: https://www.geoguessr.com/vgp/3439
A Learnable Russia - No Car Metas - 3
by Vincent Skerved
A map for practicing Russia.
The map is meant to be played in No Move, the metas/learnable info is not always visible initially.
Most locations in this map do not require knowledge about car metas such as antennas. This map mostly contains metas in small regions, cities and short roads. It's more specific than map 1 and 2.
Images and descriptions courtesy of Plonkit.net.
A Learnable Meta - The Baltics
by logoff
Designed for beginners to familiarize themselves with the Baltic countries.
Can be done in "No Move"!
Practice Map
by wayfinder
This map contains a smorgasbord of very different and sometimes quite niche things to look out for. It is updated frequently with interesting finds from others and original research. Recommended for intermediate and advanced players.
ALM - Indonesia (Lesser Sunda + Maluku) Kabupaten
by ΟΥ¬Ξ΄Φ
Map designed to learn provinces in NO MOVE mode from signs.
Each location has the Kabupaten (aka Bupati or Kab.) somewhere in view with Kab\Kabupaten\Bupati\Kota preceding in most cases.
Includes all Kabs with official coverage.
Quiz: https://tinyurl.com/emily-kab-quiz
A Learnable Canada
by Vincent Skerved
A map for practicing Canada.
The map is meant to be played in No Move, the metas/learnable info is not always visible initially.
Images and descriptions courtesy of Plonkit.net.
A Major Bajor Argentina
Handpicked locations with 67 different Argentina metas
A Learnable Meta Peru
by ZacharyKai
A guide to Peru. 57 different metas, 10 locs per meta. Meant to be played No Move.
For optimal learning, install the script to get hints after each round.
More maps & script download: https://learnablemeta.com/
Thank you to Plonkit, wayfinder, the "Peru Pole Markings & More" doc
and the Learnable Meta discord
A Learnable Asia - Identify Every Country
by Lireax
Learn how to guess every country in Asia! ππ
Unique Roads of Brazil
by Figsy_Games
All the Brazilian Roads from the famous "Unique Roads of the World" map by Figsy. Tagged and annotated by Major Bajor
A Learnable Plant World - Palms
by Zen
Want to learn different types of palms and know where they are commonly found? This map is for you. *Work in progress* any feedback is welcome. Send me your suggestions in #maps channel or DM me @FeelZen on discord.
ALM - Mongolia (Easy)
by Ye
Map designed to learn metas in NO MOVE mode.
Level: Easy
For optimal learning, install the script to get hints after each round.
More maps & script download: https://learnablemeta.com/
If you have any questions or feedback join the discord - https://discord.gg/AcXEWznYZe
Images and Descriptions from mdsylvester's Mongolia Doc
A Learnable Senegal - Regionguessing
by Lireax
Learn how to region guess Senegal! ππ
- Map is based on general regionguessing section from Plonkit
- Does NOT include spotlights
A Learnable USA - License Plates
by Vincent Skerved
A map for practicing USA license plates.
The map is meant to be played in No Move, the metas/learnable info is not always visible initially.
Images and descriptions courtesy of Plonkit.net.
A Learnable South & East Asia - Identify Every Country
by Lireax
Learn how to guess every country in South & East Asia! ππ
ALM - Mongolia (Beginner)
by Ye
Map designed to learn metas in NO MOVE mode.
Level: Beginner
For optimal learning, install the script to get hints after each round.
More maps & script download: https://learnablemeta.com/
If you have any questions or feedback join the discord - https://discord.gg/AcXEWznYZe
Images and Descriptions from mdsylvester's Mongolia Doc
Learnable Russian City and Town Names
by Vincent Skerved
A map for practicing Russian city and town names. The idea is to learn how the Cyrillic names look like, how to read them, and to practice where the towns and cities are located. Knowing some Cyrillic beforehand is good, but probably not necessary. Names and letters are provided in Cyrillic and Latin script together with pronunciation after the guess.
A Major Bajor Brazil
by Major Bajor
More than 200 different metas from different sources. You're guaranteed to learn something new playing this map!
Special thanks to Vincent Skerved and Figsy!
Playable in all modes.
Argentina - BabeLincoln's Learnable
by BabeLincoln
A map for learning Argentina region guessing. Mostly using tips from the plonkit guide with a few extras that will help gain a good basis for region guessing Argentina!
Plonk It Finland
by Icepelican, Major Bajor
This map contains locations for practising step 2 and 3 from the Plonk It Finland guide. Locations are balanced according to the usefulness of each tip. It is recommended to be played NMPZ.
Guide: https://www.plonkit.net/finland
Feedback: https://www.plonkit.net/feedback
A Learnable Meta Germany
by Chri
A map that helps on german Region guessing, including State-specific infrastucture.
A Learnable Europe - Identify Every Country
by Lireax
Learn how to guess every country in Europe! ππ
Learnable Mongolia Gen 4 car meta
by SMN
Gen 4 Mongola car metas from easy to very niche.
- Mongolia Gen 4 Car Meta guide by fuzziejaxer
- plonkit
- own research
A Learnable Romania
by logoff
A collection of metas and useful tips for region guessing within Romania.
Can be done in "No Move"!
A Major Bajor American Samoa
Tiny map with 6 locations and 5 metas.
Romance Languages - BabeLincoln's Learnable
A map to help with learning the Romance Languages.
Languages included are Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, Portuguese, and Catalan with special appearances from Aranese and Basque.
A Learnable Africa - Regionguessing
by Lireax
Learn how to region guess Africa! ππ
- This map combines all other african countries from my regionguess series
- Map is based on general regionguessing section from Plonkit
A Learnable Ukraine
by logoff
A collection of metas and tips for region guessing within Ukraine.
All locations should have the meta in front of the screen.
Can be done in "No Move"!
A Learnable Kenya - Regionguessing
by Lireax
Learn how to region guess Kenya! ππ
- Map is based on general regionguessing section from Plonkit
- Does NOT include spotlights
ALM - Indonesia (Sulawesi) Kabupaten
by ΟΥ¬Ξ΄Φ
Map designed to learn provinces in NO MOVE mode from signs.
Each location has the Kabupaten (aka Bupati or Kab.) somewhere in view with Kab\Kabupaten\Bupati\Kota preceding in most cases.
Includes all Kabs with official coverage.
Quiz: https://tinyurl.com/emily-kab-quiz
A Learnable Plant World
by Zen
Want to learn different types of plants and know where they are commonly found? This map is for you. *Work in progress* any feedback is welcome. Send me your suggestions in #maps channel or DM me @FeelZen on discord.
A Learnable Thailand - Regionguessing
by Lireax
Learn how to region guess Thailand! ππ
- Map is based on general regionguessing section from Plonkit
- Does NOT include spotlights
A Learnable Ghana
by FrenchFryFan
Explore all there is to know about Ghana, from car to tape to clouds to soil to pavement to poles and more!
A Learnable Asia - Roadlines
by Lireax
Learn different roadlines in Asia! ππ
A Learnable Russian Coverage (Gen 4)
by Major Bajor
Based on Finbarr's Russia Document.
10 locs for every existing combination of car and month
ALM - Nigeria States
by ΟΥ¬Ξ΄Φ
Map designed to learn counties in NO MOVE mode from signs.
For optimal learning, install the LM script to get hints after each round.
Each location has state visible somewhere. All states with coverage are included, with a location in each state capital, and at least 2 others. Most 100k+ cities are covered.
Seterra Quiz: https://www.geoguessr.com/vgp/3275
A Learnable Meta Kyrgyzstan
by KeyQ
Intermediate metas for Kyrgyzstan.
A Learnable Oceania - Identify Every Country
by Lireax
Learn how to guess every country in Australia! ππ
A Learnable South & West Europe - Identify Every Country
by Lireax
Learn how to guess every country in South & West Europe! ππ
Plonk It - Egypt
by Icepelican, Major Bajor
This map contains locations for practising step 2.1 and 2.2 from the Plonk It Egypt guide. Locations are balanced according to the usefulness of each tip. It is recommended to be played NM/NMPZ.
Guide: https://www.plonkit.net/egypt
Feedback: https://www.plonkit.net/feedback
A Learnable World - Roadlines (Beginner)
by Lireax
Learn different roadlines from all over the World! ππ
- Beginner Version
A Learnable North & West Asia - Identify Every Country
by Lireax
Learn how to guess every country in North & West Asia! ππ
A Learnable North America - Identify Every Country
by Lireax
Learn how to guess every country in North America! ππ
A Learnable Oceania - Roadlines
by Lireax, Swaggi
Learn different roadlines in Oceania! ππ
A Learnable Iceland Meta
by Anymo
A learnable Meta Map about Iceland.
A Learnable Africa - Roadlines
by Lireax
Learn different roadlines in Africa! ππ
A Learnable North & East Europe - Identify Every Country
by Lireax
Learn how to guess every country in North & East Europe! ππ
A Learnable Rwanda - Regionguessing
by Lireax
Learn how to region guess Rwanda! ππ
- Map is based on general regionguessing section from Plonkit
- Does NOT include spotlights
A Major Bajor Colombia
by Major Bajor
Collection of Colo metas from different sources.
A Learnable World - Identify Every Country
by Lireax
Learn how to guess every country in the World! ππ
Learnable island cars
by SMN
Can't remember remote islands? This map will help you!
A Major Bajor Alaska
by Major Bajor
Basic Regionguessing in Alaska
A Major Bajor Chile
by Major Bajor
My personal collection of learnable locs in Chile