02 Area Code - Seoul
031 Area Code - Gyeonggi-Do
032 Area Code - Incheon
033 Area Code - Gangwon-Do
041 Area Code - Chungcheongnam-Do
042 Area Code - Daejeon
051 Area Code - Busan
053 Area Code - Daegu
054 Area Code - Gyeongsangbuk-Do
055 Area Code - Gyeongsamnam-Do
061 Area Code - Jeollanam-Do
062 Area Code - Gwangju
063 Area Code - Jeollabuk-Do
064 Area Code - Jeju Island

Meta List - A Learnable South Korea

02 Area Code - Seoul

02 is the area code for Seoul. It is a well-covered metropolitan district which makes guessing quickly in central Seoul advisable here.

South Korea is very urbanised and phone numbers can be found all over the country. However only some of them are helpful in locating where you are. Check the images below to know how to tell apart helpful and unhelpful phone numbers.

See more at https://www.plonkit.net/south-korea
