90° Crossbar
Acai Palm
Acre Landscape
Aerodynamic Lamp
Alagoas Lamp
Amapa Blur
Amazon Rainforest
Amazonas 319
Amazonian Trekker
Aracaju Lamp Arm ID
Aracaju Road Sign
Araruna Tiny Lamp
Babassu Palm
Barra Do Garcas Lamp Arm
Belem ID
Belo Horizonte Lamp
Bend Attached to Pole
Big Electricity Counter on Pole
Black&Yellow Bollards
Blue ID
Blue Lamp Arm ID
Boa Vista ID
BR-101 in the Northeast
BR-156 in Northern Amapa
BR-163 in Para
BR174 in Amazonas
BR230 in Amazonas
BR230 in Para
BR319, North of Porto Velho
Brasilia Streetsign
Brown Mushroom Insulator
Caatinga landscape
Caatinga landscape (rain coverage)
Camera Glitch
Campinas Sidewalk
Campo Mourão Fancy Lamp
Carnauba Palm
Cascavel Black Number Arrow
Cascavel Blue Lamp
Ceara Lamp Arms
Ceara Poletop
Center White Lines
Chessboard Sidewalk
Cianorte Tiny Lamp
Cidade Gaucha Fancy Lamp
Cobblestone Pavement
Coconut Palm
Colorful Signpost
Compact Electricity Counter on Pole
Concrete Trash Bins
Connector in Bend
Corroded Streetsign
Corvo Branco
Crossbar with no support
Cruzeiro do Oeste Tiny Lamp
Curitiba Sidewalk
Dark Brown Insulator on Grey Base
Divided Highway
Dunas da Sabiaguaba
East-West BR156 in Amapa
Embedded Pole ID
Eucalyptus Grandis
European Architecture
Exposed Rock
Extreme Blur
Flat Wetland
Flooded Coverage
Florianopolis Pole
Florianopolis Sign
Fortaleza ID
Gamma + Box
Goias Pole ID
Goioere Fancy Lamp
Grass Verge
Green Lamp
Hazy Sky
Hexagonal Pavement
High attached ID
Holey Ladder Pole
Horizontal Insulators
Horizontal Insulators with Top
Huge Electric Box on Pole
Huge pole ID
Imperatriz holey ID
Imperatriz Ornate Lamp
Internet Poster
Ipiranga Lamp
Irregular Cobblestone
Itumbiara Red Lamp
Joao de Barro nests
Joao Pessoa Stone Pavement
Joinville Lamp
Joinville Street Sign
Kilometer Marker with Phone Number
Lack of Poles
Landbridge in Rio Grande do Sul
Lençóis Maranhenses National Park
Little Guy Lamp
Loanda Fancy Lamp
Loanda Tiny Lamp
Lollipop Insulators
Londrina Black Pole ID
Londrina Blue Number on Pole
Long Grey Insulators
Low Attached ID
Macapa Lamp
Macapa Pole ID
Macaw Palm
Maceio Beach Lamp
Maceio ID
Maceio Lamp
Maceio Streetsign
Manaus Pole ID
Maraba Skull Box
Maringa Tiny Lamp
Minas Gerais ID with 0/1
Moriche Palm
Mysterious Northeastern Plant
Natal ID
Neon-Yellow Horizontal ID
Neon-Yellow Pole ID
Noronha Boat Trekker
Noronha Car Meta
Noronha Rocks
North of Uiramuta road
Onitel Sticker
Open Electric Box
Orange Lamp
Orange Lamp Arm
Outer Dashed Lines
Para specific Pole ID
Paraiba ID
Paraiba Lamp
Parana Black Paint Pole ID
Parana Black Square
Parana Pine
Parana Road Pole Paint
Paranavai Tiny Lamp
PARE on stone
Pencil Pole Top
Piles of Dirt Meta
Pine Trees
Pole Company
Pole Paint starting with letter
Pole-Attached Sign
Pole-Wrapped Sign
Porto Alegre ID
Porto Velho Pole ID
Post Bushfire Coverage
Queen Palm
Recife Lamp
Rectangle on Pole Arm
Red Brick Architecture
Red Brick Pavement
Red Gravel
Red Sticker on Lamp
Rio Branco Special Lamp
Rio de Janeiro Lamp
Rio de Janeiro Landbridge
Rio De Janeiro Polepaint
Rio de Janeiro Taxi
Rio Grande do Sul Landscape
Rio Weird Pole
Rollercoaster Road
Roraima Lamps
Roraima Landscape
Round Pole
Salvador Lamp Arm ID
Salvador Sidewalk
Santarem Lamp
Sao Luis ID
Sao Luis Pointy Lamp
Sao Paulo Lamp
Sao Paulo Pole
Sao Paulo Polepaint
Serra dos Orgaos
Short Gamma + Box
Small Red Tactile Pavement
Smoke Coverage
South of Uiramuta
Southeast Hills
Southern Sidewalk
Southern Sidewalk
Spool Insulators
Square Paint ID
Stilt Houses
Striped Curbs
Surprising Wooden Pole
Swampy Road
Teresina ID
Thin Long Insulator
Thin Red Stripe
Tocantins Grass
Tocantins specific lamp
Tocantins specific lamp
Tocantins specific lamp
Transparent Mushroom Insulator
Trident Pole
Two Part Lamp - Goias Variant
Two Part Lamp - Minas Gerais Variant
Uberaba ID
Umuarama Fancy Lamp
Umuarama Fancy Lamp
Uneven Stone + Sugarcane
Uneven Stone Pavement
Vitoria Electric Boxes
Vitoria ID
Vitoria Streetsign
Weird Road Layout
White Mushroom Insulator
WiFi-Password Pole-ID
Wooden Pole
Yellow Outer Lines
Yellow Stick
Zig-Zag lamp arm

Meta List - A Major Bajor Brazil

90° Crossbar

Right angle top bars are common in Brasília

Source: Brazil Urban Metas by Cheddarman and Antidotess
