Architecture in Bali |
Blue Green |
Boat Shaped Roofs North Sumatra |
Boat Shaped Roofs West Sumatra |
Central Sula Bollards |
Extra Attachment |
Extra Support |
Gable Horns Roofs |
Green Paint Bridges |
High Peatched Peaks |
Horizontal Slots |
Painted Fences |
Rectangle |
Red Soil |
Savannah |
Tongkonan |
Triangle |
Trident |
Uneven |
Wooden Roofs |
Meta List - A Learnable Meta - Indonesia
Architecture in Bali
Architecture in Bali is unique because it was influenced by old Balinese culture and Hinduism. The most important thing to look for are these crown-like roof pinnacles, found everywhere in Bali. Guardian statues and slit-drum towers are common too. Andesite, a dark, volcanic rock, is a common building material in Bali. You can often see gates, walls, and other intricately carved ornaments built from this material.
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